Take a moment to think about all of the daily decisions that business owners, managers and staff make on a daily basis.

These decisions, from small to big-picture, all require analysis and predictions. The majority are made based on a combination of:

  • Client behavior, preferences and feedback

  • Past data and future predictions

  • Saving money, time and resources

  • Growing Revenue

Once aspects like these are weighed, decisions are typically made on a case-by-case basis. But how can you be sure that management and staff will make the best possible decision in every situation? A business automation tool known as Automated Decision Making can make every decision the right decision, using data.


Client Preferences

Ameniti’s Customer Communication Manager automatically responds to clients across channels - but that’s not all. As it answers clients, it also tracks and analyzes data from each conversation to determine which inquiries are the most common. 

For example, let’s take a look at how AI-powered automated decision making works for a hospitality client. At the hotel in question, 19% of inquiries in a given month were about late-night dining options. Given this data, Ameniti detected that guests would prefer the option to eat later - yet the hotel’s room service closed at 10 PM. This information was processed and analyzed, along with other data such as profit margins on orders and workload costs. After all factors were considered, an automated recommendation was made to management to extend the hours of room service until midnight. Management had the option to either approve or deny this recommendation with the touch of a button.


Past Data and Future Predictions

AI decision making also uses data and predictions to make common-sense recommendations in any area, large or small. This includes past interactions with clients and potential clients, but also covers less-common factors such as weather, traffic, staff performance and revenue projections.

A property management client, for example, knows that their office building lobby gets soaking wet (and slippery) each time it rains. Luckily, Automated decision making can integrate with weather predictions to detect when rain is in the forecast. Then, it can add a task to staff checklists: put out a floor mat and umbrella bags. This will prevent excess mopping and risk of accidents, without any effort from management.


Saving Money, Time and Resources

Hidden costs are often hidden for a reason. And time, money and resource wasters are the norm in every field. Thankfully, AI decision making can analyze interactions and processes to improve efficiency.

For example, in the age of Curbside Pickup, restaurants are bombarded with texts and calls from customers arriving to collect their food before it is ready. In this case, a recommendation can be made for automated notifications to customers when an order has been completed. This saves time and eliminates needless back-and-forth. 


Growing Revenue

Decision Making can also go a long way towards identifying and implementing revenue opportunities in day-to-day business.

For another one of Ameniti’s hospitality clients, about 30% of inquiries dealt with Early Check-in or Late Checkout. In this particular case, Ameniti’s AI gave a recommendation that boosted the revenue from these popular upgrades. By recommending a discount for Early Check-in and Late Checkout, the hotel increased its opportunity to upsell and furthered its revenue generation.

As the finishing touch, whenever management decides to implement a given recommendation, Ameniti changes customer-facing automated communication to reflect any new information. This is all done with a single click.

Wondering How Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making Can Grow Your Business?

We’d be happy to answer any specific questions here.


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