Addressing Pandemic Needs for Aimbridge Hospitality
Located at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ameniti responded by helping NYC hotels adapt so that they could safely host the medical community and quarantined guests. Aimbridge’s The Roosevelt Hotel, a 1,000+ room property, remained open and fully booked throughout pandemic-related closures.
Using our automation expertise and connections to the medical industry, we developed strategies that allowed the property to operate safely. This included a contactless guest journey, staff and guest health check-ins, room sanitization standards and other crucial precautions that kept all parties healthy during this difficult time.
Safety Consultation
Ameniti provided important guidance on processes, advising the hotel as it ultimately executed the best, tech-enabled practices to keep the hotel operational throughout the pandemic.
We delivered a practical approach, tailored to the hotel’s unique circumstances and budget, with the flexibility required by the industry.
Text Services
Automatic answers to guest questions, from the reservation period to post-stay.
Push Notifications
Send or schedule customized automated messages to guests, or groups of guests, at any point in the stay cycle.
COVID Consult
Expert advice on processes that ensured guest and staff safety.
Safety procedures that are tough on viruses and easy on guests and staff.
Harnessed automation to deliver a contactless guest experience.